Urban Superintendents Academy
If you are considering a position where you will be asked to provide leadership in a school district that serves communities with diverse populations and broad socio-economic representation, you are the person this program is designed to develop and support. You will learn how to improve communication with and management of your teachers, fellow administrators, students, parents and the community as a whole.
AASA-USC Urban Superintendents Academy
Each course is designed to provide you with significant experience in California public schools with diverse student populations and the opportunity to work with a range of students.
In addition, each course is designed to develop important elements of pedagogical content knowledge, such as understanding students’ common strategies and struggles in a particular content domain and the instructional strategies and tools you can use to respond to students’ needs. Key aspects of pedagogical content knowledge are scaffolded across the five courses to provide you substantial time to master these skills, gain knowledge in each course, and then build on these skills in the next courses.

When you join the Urban Superintendents Academy you will:
- Receive coaching and mentorship from practitioners who have had successful careers in complex districts
- Practice and receive feedback on leading courageous conversations with school boards and other key stakeholders
- Develop a network of professional colleagues with a common goal of improving education through an equity framework
- Receive job placement support, including direct access to search firm representatives who will support your job search efforts
- Receive Urban Superintendent Certification jointly issued by AASA and USC Rossier School of Education
In August, you are invited to attend (virtually or in-person) an Urban Superintendents Academy Kickoff Summit, hosted by AASA, Howard University and USC. You will meet with your colleagues in September 2024 for an in-person two day retreat at the USC University Park Campus. Sessions then meet virtually every other Monday from 4:30PM-6:30PM PST.
In March of 2025, you are expected to meet in person at the AASA NCE pre-session convening held in New Orleans, LA. Costs to attend the pre-session convening are included in your program fee. Costs to attend the actual NCE conference are not included.
Admissions are accepted on a rolling basis with a cap of 25 participants per cohort.
Applications are currently closed for Cohort 9.
- If you wish to have a representative contact you prior to submitting an application, please email Paloma Saenz, Program Administrator at psaenz@rossier.usc.edu.
- Applications for this years cohort are currently closed.
This program will provide our participants with a safe place to learn from experienced and practicing professionals as well as study cutting-edge research-informed data from research experts.
Topics Addressed
The Future Face of Public Education and the Urban District
The Superintendent and the Elected/Appointed Board
Equity, Inclusion, and Cultural Responsiveness
Ethical Principles and Professional Norms
Caring and Inclusive School Community
Unions, Charters, Mayors: How to Lead Through Adversity
Operations, Management and the Urban Leaders
Becoming an Urban Superintendent