Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization
Are you a California multiple subjects credentialed teacher seeking to improve your teaching and learning environment? Consider advancing your career with the Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization (MIAA) program. This 10 month program will advance your mathematics teaching for grades pre-K through 8 (pre-algebra), and establish your expertise as educator in California schools.
The MIAA program is tailored to multiple subjects credentialed teachers, to develop essential pedagogical and subject matter content knowledge by combining practical application with mentored fieldwork. Upon completion, MIAA credentialed teachers can work as:
- Departmentalized Mathematics teacher (Any level from Kindergarten-Pre-algebra)
- Mathematics consultant
- Mathematics coach/coordinator
- Teacher on special assignment
- Intervention coordinator/specialist
- Resource specialist
- Private Mathematics consultant Per CTC guidelines
You will be prepared to deliver targeted instruction for students struggling with math, mentor and coach teacher colleagues in effective math instruction, and facilitate professional development sessions.
Program Goals
The USC Rossier Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization program will build your knowledge, skills, and dispositions to:
- Plan, evaluate and implement K-12 Mathematics programs effectively.
- Diagnose math reading difficulties using a battery of diagnostic processes to identify students’ reading math needs.
- Design comprehensive instructional plans to remediate mathematics instruction.
- Create a professional dossier that catalog your mathematical expertise.
- Develop lifelong access to USC. As part of the Trojan Network, you will have access to resources and support, even after program completion
The Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization (MIAA) aims to equip teachers with the necessary skills to effectively teach mathematics, understand student thinking, and respond to diverse learning needs. This comprehensive approach combines content knowledge with pedagogical skills, enabling teachers to create more engaging and effective mathematics instruction for pre-k through pre-algebra.
This program aims to develop teachers’ skills and knowledge in several key areas:
Conceptual understanding:
- Teachers will gain a deep understanding of the fundamental concepts behind mathematical content expectations.
Developmental progression:
- The program will help teachers understand how mathematical concepts evolve and build upon each other across different grade levels.
Pedagogical content knowledge:
- Recognize common strategies students use to solve problems
- Identify typical struggles students face in specific content areas
- Apply appropriate instructional strategies and tools to address students’ needs
Program Schedule
Term 1
- Content and Pedagogy for Teaching Probability, Data Analysis, & Statistics
- Content and Pedagogy for Teaching Number Concepts and Number Theory (Fieldwork course)
- Content and Pedagogy for Teaching Geometry Reasoning
Term 2
- Content and Pedagogy for Teaching Rational Numbers & Proportional Reasoning
- Content and Pedagogy for Teaching Algebraic Reasoning
Important Goals
- Start date: Week of August 4th, 2025
- Applications now open
- 10 month online program
- Fall and Spring start dates
*District/Administrator agreement*
If you are interested in applying to the Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization program, you must:
- Have a valid Multiple Subject Teaching or Designated Single Subjects Credential (in any subject).
- Hold English Learner Authorization.
- Submit verification of experience. When you apply, you must have a minimum of three years successful, full-time teaching experience in any grade or subject. Acceptable experience does not include student teaching, internship teaching, or teaching while holding an emergency permit. This experience may include teaching outside of California. You will be asked to submit your credential number on your application.
- Prior to admission into the MIAA program, verification of your level of mathematics content expertise (click here for elaboration of Mathematics subject requirements, pp.3-5) is required. You have options for verifying your current Mathematical content knowledge. You may submit a transcript or exam results.
- Transcript
Your transcript must provide sufficient information regarding course content, catalog descriptions, course syllabi, or a matrix identifying variations of course offerings across content areas and meet the minimum, “Elaboration of Mathematics Subject -matter Requirements…The following is the mathematics background the candidate is expected to know prior to admission to the Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization program.” as described by the CTC. Please read pages 3-5 of the linked document to understand the Mathematics background requirements you must meet prior to admission to the program. If you choose to show Mathematics competency using a transcript, then you will be required to upload a digital copy of your transcript with your application.
- Exam
Examination results must verify the Mathematics competency of the candidate, based on the minimum established on pp. 3-5, here. National and state standardized assessment results can include passing scores on the GRE, CSET2, etc. in accordance with the CTC Mathematics subject requirements established here on pp. 3-5. If you choose to show Mathematics competency using an exam result, then you will be required to upload a digital copy of your exam results with your application.
The program consists of five online courses taken over two semesters in one academic year. Each course highlights ideas and instructional strategies, tools, and representations you can employ in your teaching to foster students’ understanding and development of various aspects of mathematics proficiency.
Term 1
Provides you with theoretical framings to diagnose, plan and select appropriate and effective mathematics instruction.
Content and Pedagogy for Teaching Probability, Data Analysis, & Statistics
This course will focus on the conceptual foundations of Data Science and their development across grade levels. You will learn how to support students by designing lesson plans to meet the diverse needs of your students, and use formal and informal assessments to help you plan lessons that reinforce students’ progress toward developing these ideas.
Content and Pedagogy for Teaching Number Concepts and Number Theory (Fieldwork Course)
This course will focus on the fundamental concepts of numbers, place value, and operations, as well as their development across grade levels.
You will learn to analyze students’ thinking, identifying patterns in their understanding, and differentiating instruction to meet diverse students’ individual needs.
Content and Pedagogy for Teaching Geometry Reasoning
This course will focus on geometric conceptual, procedural, and reasoning foundations and their development across grade levels.
You will learn to select and adapt instructional activities that will foster students’ understanding and by using formal and informal assessments to guide students’ progress toward developing these ideas.
Term 2 – Spring
Provides you with the skills and competencies to design and provide instruction tailored to students’ mathematical needs.
Content and Pedagogy for Teaching Rational Numbers & Proportional Reasoning
This course is designed to help you develop the knowledge and skills you need to foster students’ development of proportional reasoning at the elementary and middle school levels.
You will learn the ways to lead class discussions in which key ideas targeted in a lesson will be made explicit to your students.
Content and Pedagogy for Teaching Algebraic Reasoning (Fieldwork Course)
This course will focus on the conceptual foundations of algebraic thinking and their development across grade levels. You will cover key struggles students exhibit while learning algebraic concepts and by providing evidence-based practices to help your students overcome these struggles.
The USC Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization program is designed to prepare you to complete an advanced preparation in mathematics subject content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. The knowledge and skills that you will gain will prepare you to:
- Develop and coordinate mathematics curriculum.
- Coach mathematics teachers. Design and implement intensive mathematics interventions.
- Teach teachers to effectively intervene, accommodate, and differentiate their mathematics instruction to increase student engagement and proficiency in mathematics.
- Develop programs and deliver staff development for mathematics education programs.
A person with a USC Rossier Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization can work in these positions:
- Departmentalized Mathematics teacher (Any level from Kindergarten-Pre-algebra)
- Mathematics consultant
- Mathematics coach/coordinator
- Teacher on special assignment
- Intervention coordinator/specialist
- Resource specialist
- Private Mathematics consultant Per CTC guidelines
The impact of the holder of either MIAA authorization might include, but not be limited to, increasing:
- Student proficiency in K-Pre-Algebra
- Closing the achievement gap by providing math instructional leadership to schools, districts, and counties in areas such as curriculum design, coaching, intensive interventions, accommodation,
- Differentiation expertise in teaching K-Pre-Algebra subject in either a departmentalized or self-contained setting to all students, including English Learners, students with disabilities, gifted and talented students and students at risk
Program Goals:
The USC Rossier Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization program will build your knowledge, skills, and dispositions to:
- Plan, evaluate and implement K-12 Mathematics programs effectively.
- Diagnose math reading difficulties using a battery of diagnostic processes to identify students’ reading math needs.
- Design comprehensive instructional plans to remediate mathematics instruction.
- Create a professional dossier that catalog your mathematical expertise.
- Develop lifelong access to USC. As part of the Trojan Network, you will have access to resources and support, even after program completion
CEU credits are available for this program if you complete all modules and requirements. CEUs are recognized nationwide as a standard measurement of an Individual’s continuing education activity and serve as a permanent documentation of your professional development coursework and are presented in the form of a University transcript.
The tuition rate for 2025-2026 will be $7,100.00